Monitoring and supervision

In accordance with the provisions of article 3.2 of the current "Regulations for the admission and defence of the Doctoral Thesis" at the University of Valladolid, the Academic Committee of the PhD programme in Computer Science, at its meeting of 14 February 2017, based on the quality criteria published in the BOE of 26 November 2016, Subfield 6. 2, Communication, Computer and Electronic Engineering, approved that in order to accredit the quality of the Doctoral Thesis as a prerequisite for authorisation of deposit and subsequent defence, at least one of the following contributions will be required:

  1. An article published in journals of recognised prestige, being accepted as such those that occupy any position (first, second, third or fourth quartile) in the list of its scientific category in the "Journal Citation Reports Science Edition (JCR-SCI)" in the year of its publication. For articles published in the year of submission of the thesis, the JCR reference will be the last one published. Contributions will only be considered if they represent real progress in knowledge. Merely descriptive papers or reiterations of previous work will not be considered, except in cases where they clearly contribute to the consolidation of knowledge.
  2. A paper presented at one of the congresses that are in the A classification of the Core ( These congresses are considered to satisfy the ANECA criterion which states: "when these proceedings are a vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge comparable to the journals included in the JCR Science Edition".
  3. A patent in operation or other equivalent forms of industrial or intellectual property protection for fields where these are not applicable (computer programmes, etc.), verified by means of a sales contract or licence contract, and patents granted by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office by means of a prior examination system, as specified in the BOE (Official State Gazette). International patents in operation will also be considered in this section.